Top 20 Berry Jokes

I love berries, give me some flavor of berry ice cream over chocolate any day! Well, I have gone berry picking for my top 20 berry jokes and made sure to throw away all the bad ones. Here are the best ones, enjoy!

Last Updated: 09/24/2024

box of mixed berries with a golden border on the outside and giggle me this logo in the bottom right.

Top 20

  1. What do you call a recipe with just mint leaves, eggs and strawberries? An Eggs-Berry-Mint.
  2. Why can’t you make a crumble with 3.14 blackberries? Because that would be pi.
  3. Why did the pirate plant strawberries? He heard they led to berried treasure.
  4. Which kind of berry you should stay away from? Rob-berry
  5. How do you make a strawberry turnover? Push it down a hill.
  6. Why didn’t anyone want to listen to the blackberry’s speech? It tended to bramble on.
  7. What’s a scarecrows favorite fruit? A straw-berry.
  8. What do you call a fruit that studies the night before a test? A cram-berry.
  9. What do you get when you eat a blackberry? Bluetooth.
  10. Why couldn’t the blueberry open the door? It was jammed.
  11. What looks like half a berry? The other half.
  12. Why did the strawberry get a lawyer? It was in a jam.
  13. What do you call a berry patch on a windy day? Blewberries
  14. What is a ghosts favorite kind of dessert? Boo-berry pie
  15. Who does a strawberry call when it loses a tooth? The tooth berry.
  16. Did you hear about that commotion at the strawberry patch? It happened right before my berry eyes.
  17. What’s an uneducated person’s least favorite fruit? A Li-berry.
  18. How do you make strawberry fruit punch? Give it boxing lessons.
  19. Why did the lonely blueberry jump into the mixer? He wanted to blend in with the other fruit.
  20. Why did the young berries always listen to the oldest fruit in the patch? Respect your elderberries.

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