Funniest Spider Jokes – Not AI!
Here is my curated list of spider puns written by real people, no AI here! Enjoy!
Spider puns and jokes
- What text emojis do spiders use when they are happy? ::::D
- How tall is a spider? Eight feet.
- What does the baby spider want to be when it grows up? A web designer.
- What do spiders eat in Paris? French flies.
- Why did the man return his pair of spider silk trousers? The fly kept getting stuck.
- Did you know there is a species of spider that can jump higher than a building? This is due to its eight powerful legs and the fact buildings can’t jump.
- What’s another name for the Spider-Man trilogy? A web series.
- Did you hear about the spider love triangle? It was a tangled web.
- What do you call it when you have too many spiders in your house? A no-fly zone.
- Why do spiders spin webs? Because they can’t knit.
- What do you call two spiders who just got married? Newlywebs.
- What do you call 10 spiders on a tire? A spinning wheel.
- What do spiders like to do in their spare time? Surf the web.
- Why does Spider-Man hate driving with his evil twin? He’s a bad parallel Parker.
- Why did the man go on a date with a spider? His wife told him to take it out instead of killing it.
- What is it called when someone has an abnormal fear of spiders in raincoats? Anorakaphobia.
- What part of a computer does a spider use? The webcam.
- What do you call pants made for a German spider? Schpiderhosen.
- What did the spider say to the fly? Pleased to eat you.
- Why is Spider-Man so good at comebacks? Because with great power comes great response-ability.
- What do you call an undercover tarantula? A spy-der.
- What do spiders do when they get mad? They climb the walls.
- Why do spiders make clingy roommates? They’re arachneedyads.
- What do you call it when a shark, a crocodile, and a giant spider walk into a bar? A typical day in Australia.
- When do spiders celebrate Valentine’s Day? Web-uary 14th.
- Why did the spider only put one leg out of her bed? She wanted to start the day off on the right foot.
- Why did the spider buy a car? So he could take it out for a spin.
- What do you get when you cross a spider and an ear of corn? Cobwebs.
- What do you call a spider without a web? Offline.
- What did the procrastinating spider say to the fly? Catch you later.
- Why can’t a spider get a job as a pilot? Because they can only tailspin.
- Did you hear the spider who ate the fly? He was a real buzz kill.
- Where do spiders play football? At Webley Stadium.
- What’s the difference between a spider and a web designer? A spider loves finding bugs in his web.
- How do spiders communicate? By the World Wide Web.
- Why can’t spiders become pilots? They only know how to tailspin.
- How do you spot a modern spider? She has a website.
- When can you see a spider but not kill it? On its webcast.
- Why did the fly fly? Because the spider spy-der.
- Why do spiders adapt so quickly to online learning? They’re very comfortable on the web.
- What’s good for spider bites? An angry spider.
- What do you call a spider with 16 eyes? A spiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiider.
- What do you call a spider that can dance? A jitterbug.
- Why are spiders good swimmers? They have webbed feet.
- What did the spider wife say to the spider husband when he tried to explain coming home late? You’re spinning me a yarn here.
- What did the IT person say to the officer worker who was freaking out over a spider on their keyboard? Don’t worry, I’ve got it under ctrl.
- Have you seen the film about an onion that turns into a spider? It’s called Shallot’s Web.
- What do you call a giant Irish spider? Paddy long legs.
- What’s a spider’s favorite pastime? Fly fishing.
- What do you call a spider that has its left legs on the right side and right legs on the left side? A daddy wrong legs.