Casino Jokes and Puns
Here are some casino jokes that are a sure bet for a laugh! Find your favorite casino puns and then share with others!
Casino jokes and puns
- What is the worst part of selling a casino? Everything is a gamble.
- Why can’t pirates play cards? Because they’re standing on the deck.
- What is the poker dealer’s favourite song? Every day I’m shuffling.
- Did you hear about the fat guy who spent his free time in a British casino? He heard it was a fast way to lose pounds.
- What do you call an iguana who runs a casino? The lizard of odds.
- Why don’t casinos let cattle farmers play? They are always raising the steaks.
- Why did the police arrest the guy who was playing pool? He was picking pockets.
- A man walks into the casino and asks a security guard which machine people get the most money from? ATM machine.
- Why did the British blonde bring French fries to the casino? She was told to bring her own chips.
- Why are there no casinos in China? They hate Tibet.
- What is the best way to keep your husband from gambling? Spend the money first.
- How can you always break even at the casino? Play the change machines.
- What do you call a T-Rex that works in a casino? A small arms dealer.
- How do you get out of a casino as a millionaire? You go in as a billionaire.
- What’s the difference between a casino and a church? You actually mean it when you pray at a casino.
- Why are large maps rubbish at playing poker? They always fold.
- Why aren’t there any casinos in Africa? Because there are too many cheetahs.
- What is the name of a casino that even kids can gamble in? GameStop.
- When will they come to a consensus about snacks in the casino? When everybody Lay’s their chips on the table.
- What does a Central City gambler like to snack on? Poker chips and salsa.
- At the casino, what department did the vampire work in? The Count Room.
- Where do casinos put people who are forced to listen to dad jokes? The eye roller suite.
- What has a heart and no organs? A deck of cards.
- What’s the difference between casino players and politicians? Casino players sometimes tell the truth.
- What’s the difference between online poker and live poker? You can cry after a bad beat online and no one will laugh at you.
Casino one liners
- At the casino a woman accused me of assault and but I’m the blackjack dealer, it’s my job to hit people.
- They just built a steakhouse on the second floor of the casino, the steaks have never been higher.
- My wife has left me because I am a compulsive gambler, I’d do anything to win her back.
- My friends recommended the British Casino weight loss method, it really works and I’ve already lost fifty pounds.
- All the major casinos are complaining about how much money they’ve lost, now they know how we feel.
- I did well at strip poker the other night, I played my socks off.
- A pickle walks into a casino, sits down at a card table and says dill me in.
- I heard that Marie Kondo opened a casino, guess she knows when to hold them and fold them.
- Why did the casino groundskeeper get fired? He thought the 2.5% rake policy applied to leaves.
- Had an awful meal at a casino in Las Vegas, the chips tasted of plastic.