Funniest Alligator Jokes – Not AI!
Here is my curated list of alligator puns written by real people, no AI here! Enjoy!
Alligator puns and jokes
- What do alligators do in an emergency? They croco-dial 911.
- What sports drink do alligators love? Gator-Ade.
- What do you call a thieving alligator? A crook-adile.
- What do you get when you cross a frog and an alligator? A croak-odile.
- What should you say if an alligator arrests you? It’s a fair croc.
- What do you call an alligator who is wearing crocs on his feet? A traitor.
- What do you call an alligator who loves watering his plants? An irrigator.
- What do you call an alligator that is always stirring up trouble? An instigator.
- What’s an alligator’s favorite dip? Croc-amole.
- What do you call an alligator who wears Crocs? A sell-out.
- What do you call an alligator that has all the other gators at the swamp crown around him? A congregator.
- What do you get if you put an alligator in a blender? Gatorade.
- What do you call an alligator who kills bugs all day long? A fumigator.
- What do you call a financially wise alligator? An Invest-igator.
- What do you call an alligator with a GPS? A Navi-gator.
- What’s worse than one alligator coming to dinner? Two alligators coming to dinner.
- What do young alligators like on their Starbucks drinks? Jaw-va chips.
- Why are alligators comedians so funny? Their wit is as sharp as their teeth.
- Did you know alligators can grow up to 15 feet? But most only have 4.
- What do you call an alligator who works on a farm? An irri-gator.
- What do you call an alligator who kills bugs all day long? A fumigator.
- What do you call a gator that works in a courtroom? A trial lawyer.
- What do you name an alligator who is surrounded by other gators at the swamp crown? A gathering place.
- What do you name an alligator who exclusively eats slaughtered lambs? The hallaligator.
- An alligator has how many limbs? Everything is dependent on what he eats for lunch, supper, and morning.
- How does an alligator smell? With it’s nose.
- What do you get if you cross an alligator with a giraffe? A visit from the ethics committee and immediate withdrawal of your funding.
- How does an alligator taste? With it’s mouth just like you do.
- Who is the author of the book “Escaping Alligators?” Ron A. Way.
- What looks like half an alligator? The other half.
- What did the alligator say to show support for his friend? I’m right bayou-r side.
- Did you hear about the law firm with the most intimidating lawyers? It’s filled with liti-gators.
- How many arms has a alligator got? Depends how far he has got with eating his dinner.
- Why happened when the alligator saw the lion win the lottery? It was GREEN with envy.
- What kind of reptile bites people from behind? A tail-gator.
- What’s the point of shooting an alligator? He’ll simply have to swallow his pride and make the most of it.
- Which side of an alligator is the greenest? The outside.
- What did the alligator get after sleeping with a hooker? Gatoraids.
- What kind of pet to alligators have? Alley Cats.
- What’s the worst thing about wild alligators? their wild allegations.
- Did you hear about the crocodile who became a congressman? He was an expert dele-gator.
- What’s green and comes from another planet? An alien-gator.
- What is it called when an alligator has brain damage? A reptile disfunction.
- What’s the difference between a crocodile and an alligator? One you’ll see in a while and the other you’ll see later.
- Why won’t alligators attack lawyers? Professional courtesy.
- What’s the difference between a dog and a alligator? The dog’s bark is worst than his bite.
- What do you call an alligator that has all the other gators at the swamp crown around him? A congregator.
- What do you call an alligator who is financially savvy? An Investor.
- Why shouldn’t you taunt an alligator? Because it might come back to bite you in the end.
- What’s the similarity between an Alligator and Windows? They’ve got lots of bytes.
- What do you get if you cross an alligator with a flower? I don’t know, but I’m not going to smell it.
- Who gives alligators their Christmas presents? Santa Jaws.
- What do you call an alligator without any legs? Anything you want, it can’t run after you.
- What do you call a reptile that likes to go bowling? An Alley-gator.
- Why was everyone afraid of the alligator lawyer? He was an amazing liti-gator.
- What’s the similarity between a alligator and an old computer? They both have bytes.
- Why shouldn’t you play cards with an alligator? You’ll lose each hand.
- Why was the alligator invited to fashion shows? She was a snappy dresser.
- What does an alligator feel like? An alligator.
- Why did that one alligator get into a fight with the other? He got impatient and snapped.
- Why should you never play poker with an alligator? You will lose every hand.
- What do you call an alligator who’s your friend? A pal-igator.
- What do alligators drink before a race? Gator-ade.
- Why are alligators long and green? Because if they were small and red, they would be tomatoes.
- What’s better than a crocodile? An alli-greator.
- Why are alligators long and green? Because if they were short and green, they would be leprachuans.
- What do you call an alligator that’s a very skilled conversationalist? A dialogator.
- Did you hear about the alligator who became president? He was a great dele-gator.
- What do you name a man who is too big to eat by an alligator? A game changer.
- What does an alligator do when he loses his tail? It goes to a re-tail store.
- What do you call a man who is too big for an alligator to eat? A jawbreaker.
- What do you call an alligator that makes others fight? An instigator.
- What do alligators call human children? Appetizers.
- What do you call a SWAT team of alligators? Gator-raid.
- Which is the most popular basketball move among gators? The Alli-oop.
- What do you call an alligator who is always wearing a vest? An investigator.
- What do you call a gator that works at the courthouse? A litigator.